Tuesday, May 27, 2008
japan vision
岩登りの上に上ろう! 岩登りはすべての年齢のための大きいスポーツである。 あなたが岩登りについて知る必要があるすべては楽しみである。
持つべき装置は非常に複雑であるが、楽しい時を過すためにそして安全なクライマーであるために、それをすべて有する。 馬具は装置の重要な部分である。 それはころべば保護する主装置である。 あなたが持たなければならない上昇の衣類は非常に重要である。 これのいくつかは吊り鎖、馬具、ヘルメットおよび靴を含んでいる。 より容易の上昇およびより多くの楽しみを作るために専門にされた上昇の靴を身に着けたいと思う場合もある。 他の装置は場合にころべばウエストのまわりでまたは助けるウエストの馬具に結ぶためにロープ、くさび、ナット、ジンクス、救急キットちょうど、袋、コード、cramponsおよびロープのためのcarabineersを含める。 あなたの装置をすべて集めれば上り始めて準備ができている。
おそらくあなたが-上昇を揺する方法をあなたが楽しい時を中過しそして知ることができる行くことができるあちらの方にあるローカルクラブおよび上昇を揺する方法を知りたいと思う。 単独でまたはを持つ友人またはチーム上ることができる。 今度はこれは上昇をいかに揺するかである。 最初ポインターは開いた点にあなたの手合う。 上に達するときあなたの方法を撃退する。 今度は岩登りがいかに始まったか学ぶことができる。
岩登りに関しては歴史がそんなに、歴史ある楽しみがある。 神がそれらに腹を立てるかもしれないので強力な精神が山に住んでいた従って離れることは賢かったこと考えられた古代時の人々で知ったか。 このスポーツか趣味はヨーロッパの遅い1800'sで発明された。 安全は前に重要、長い時間常にだった。
安全はもう一つの重要な問題である。 楽しい時を過してが安全でなければ常にならない。 スマートなクライマーは常に先読みし、注意する。 右の装置があるべきである。 上る安全な方法はパートナーかチームとある。 誰かによってが傷つく場合で反抗的に救急箱をちょうど必要とする。 他のある先端はまたより安全保つ。
他の多くの重要な楽しみ事実は上るとき助ける。 ある危険を監視しなければならない: 強風は起こるかもしれ、冷たい温度は非常に危ないに上ることをすることができる。 またなだれおよび落ちる石および氷は危険な状態の置くかもしれない。 石に隠されたひびがあるかもしれない。 プラスの高い高度により生命にかかわる肺および大脳の浮腫のような病気を引き起こすことができる。 外側の上昇のために準備する上昇の訓練を有したいと思う場合もある。 あなたの目的を達成する一種の訓練を選ぶことができる。 一年中あなたのスケジュールを保ちたいと思うかもしれない。 これは形で精神的にそして物理的に保つ。 これはまた傷害のためのあなたの潜在性を減らし、高力の持久力、好気性容量で起因する。 形に一年中とどまる。 岩登りについての他のある事実はまたそれ呼ばれる登山かalpinismとである。 これは危険なスポーツである。 エベレスト世界の高い山であることを知ったか。 1つの最後の事実はオーストラリアに世界で最もよいロック・クライマーがあることである。
上に達するとき見ることができると同時に岩登りに浮き沈みそれが価値があるあるが。 危険は爽快なようである。 従ってあなたの友人を集め、岩登り行きなさい。 楽しいひとときを過ごして確実である。
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Climbing...Climbing...What is Climbing?
Climbing is simply the activity of using your hands and feet to surmount a steep obstacle such as an artificial wall, boulder, cliff, or mountain. Usually done for recreational enjoyment, fun, and sport, climbing allows you to fully experience the great outdoors by giving you eagle-eye views from lofty summits, pushing both your physical fitness and mental health, and offering you a way to confront and control a couple of our greatest human fears—that of falling and that of heights. Climbing is a risky sport that requires both skill and nerve for success. Climbing tools and equipment such as ropes, harnesses, carabiners, cams, and helmets are all used to lessen the risks of climbing and gravity.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Follow the Basic Safety Tips for a Safe Climbing Adventure
10 Always Tips For Safe Climbing
Climbing is dangerous spot. You need to do everything you can to mitigate the effects of gravity and falling.Redundancy is key.... always back-up every important piece of gear with another and always use more than one anchor.Your life depends on it.Beginners climbers are most vulnerable to accidents.Always use sound judgment,respect climbing danger,don't go over your head,ask for advise and help,be self-reliant and coutious,find an experienced mentor to take lessons to learn how to climb safe. REMEMBER THAT MOST ACCIDENTS HAPPEN BECAUSE of CLIMBER ERROR. The following tips will keep you safe on the rock.
1. Always Check Your Climbing Harnesses
After you've geared up,always check that both the climber's and harness buckles are doubled back.
2. Always Check Knots
Before you start climbing, always double check that leader's tie-in knot(usually a Figure-8 Follow -Through) is tied right and finished with backup knot. Also check that the rope is threaded through both the harness waist loop and the leg loops.
3. Always Wear a Helmet
A climbing helmet is essential if you want to live long and prosper. Always wear one when climbing or belaying. Climbing helmet is protect your head from falling rocks and from the impact of falling.
4. Always Check the Rope and Belay Device
Before you lead a route, always double check that the rope is propely threaded through the belay device. Also, always make sure the rope and belay device are attached with a locking carabiner to the belaver's harness.
5. Always Use a Long Rope
Make sure your rope is long enough to reach the anchors and lower back down on a spot route or to reach a belay ledge on multi-pitch routes. When sport climbing, if you have any doubt that the rope is too short, always tie a stopper knot in the tail end to avoid being dropped to the ground.
6. Always Pay Attention
When you're belaying, always pay attention to the leader above. He's the one taking the risks of a fall. Don't visit with other climber at the base, talk on cell phone. Never take the leader off belay unless you are absolutely certain he is tied in and safe and he communicates that to you.
7. Always Bring Enough Gear
Before you climb a route, always eyeball it from ground and determine what you need to bring. You know best. Dont's rely strictly on a guidebook to tell you what to bring. If it's a spot route, verify visually how many bolts need quickdraws. If in doubt- always bring more than you think you need.
8. Always Climb With the Rope Over Your Leg
When you're leading, always make sure the rope is over your leg rather than or behind one. If you fall with the rope in this position, you will flip upside down and hit your head.
9. Always Properly Clip the Rope
Make sure you always clip your rope through carabiners on quickdraws correctly. Avoid backclipping, where the rope runs front to back in the carabiner. Make sure the carabiner gate faces opposite your direction of travel, otherwise the rope can come unclipped. Always use locking carabiners on important placements.
10. Always Use Safe Anchors
At the top of a pitch or route, always use at least two anchors. Three is better. Redundancy keeps you alive. On a sport route, always use locking carabiners if you're lowering down to top-rope off the anchors.
p/s Spot Climbing is dengerous. Always following 10 tips will keep you safe on the rock.
Follow the Basic Safety Tips for a Safe Climbing Adventure
10 Always Tips For Safe Climbing
Climbing is dangerous spot. You need to do everything you can to mitigate the effects of gravity and falling.Redundancy is key.... always back-up every important piece of gear with another and always use more than one anchor.Your life depends on it.Beginners climbers are most vulnerable to accidents.Always use sound judgment,respect climbing danger,don't go over your head,ask for advise and help,be self-reliant and coutious,find an experienced mentor to take lessons to learn how to climb safe. REMEMBER THAT MOST ACCIDENTS HAPPEN BECAUSE of CLIMBER ERROR. The following tips will keep you safe on the rock.
1. Always Check Your Climbing Harnesses
After you've geared up,always check that both the climber's and harness buckles are doubled back.
2. Always Check Knots
Before you start climbing, always double check that leader's tie-in knot(usually a Figure-8 Follow -Through) is tied right and finished with backup knot. Also check that the rope is threaded through both the harness waist loop and the leg loops.
3. Always Wear a Helmet
A climbing helmet is essential if you want to live long and prosper. Always wear one when climbing or belaying. Climbing helmet is protect your head from falling rocks and from the impact of falling.
4. Always Check the Rope and Belay Device
Before you lead a route, always double check that the rope is propely threaded through the belay device. Also, always make sure the rope and belay device are attached with a locking carabiner to the belaver's harness.
5. Always Use a Long Rope
Make sure your rope is long enough to reach the anchors and lower back down on a spot route or to reach a belay ledge on multi-pitch routes. When sport climbing, if you have any doubt that the rope is too short, always tie a stopper knot in the tail end to avoid being dropped to the ground.
6. Always Pay Attention
When you're belaying, always pay attention to the leader above. He's the one taking the risks of a fall. Don't visit with other climber at the base, talk on cell phone. Never take the leader off belay unless you are absolutely certain he is tied in and safe and he communicates that to you.
7. Always Bring Enough Gear
Before you climb a route, always eyeball it from ground and determine what you need to bring. You know best. Dont's rely strictly on a guidebook to tell you what to bring. If it's a spot route, verify visually how many bolts need quickdraws. If in doubt- always bring more than you think you need.
8. Always Climb With the Rope Over Your Leg
When you're leading, always make sure the rope is over your leg rather than or behind one. If you fall with the rope in this position, you will flip upside down and hit your head.
9. Always Properly Clip the Rope
Make sure you always clip your rope through carabiners on quickdraws correctly. Avoid backclipping, where the rope runs front to back in the carabiner. Make sure the carabiner gate faces opposite your direction of travel, otherwise the rope can come unclipped. Always use locking carabiners on important placements.
10. Always Use Safe Anchors
At the top of a pitch or route, always use at least two anchors. Three is better. Redundancy keeps you alive. On a sport route, always use locking carabiners if you're lowering down to top-rope off the anchors.
p/s Spot Climbing is dengerous. Always following 10 tips will keep you safe on the rock.
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